11 Ways to Leverage Speech Analytics for Marketing
Tracking your digital ads are difficult if you have no way to tell which ads drove calls and resulted in sales.
Tracking your digital ads are difficult if you have no way to tell which ads drove calls and resulted in sales.
Where did the concept of a call center come from? How has the industry evolved over the years? And what does the future of call centers look like?
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of rules and regulations around credit cards, sensitive payment data, and other identifiers. Merchants are subject to $25+ fines per card leaked, suspension of merchant privileges, and mitigation costs that could skyrocket into millions of dollars for even a small data breach.
While there may be some truth to the randomness of your customer experience, the advent of accurate speech recognition technologies in recent years is looking to buck the difficulty of the unknown with your customer interactions.
“Enterprise Connect 2017 was one of the better shows I’ve been to in years…” This was a sentiment we heard over and over, among attendees, exhibitors and analysts at the show this year.
Contact centers are on the front lines of shaping a customer’s experience, which gives them the perfect platform to enact predictive analytics in order to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention.