Last week the VoiceBase team traveled from San Francisco, CA to Orlando, FL for one of the largest collaboration conferences in the U.S., Enterprise Connect! We were an exhibitor for the fourth year in a row and we were thrilled to have such a large presence this year on the show floor surrounded by our partners.
At the show this year, we were very excited to announce our new strategic partnership with Tableau Software. We have been working closely with Tableau to transform how enterprises make use of their speech analytics data.
Check out this video to discover the power of visualizing speech analytics in Tableau!
Gain a competitive advantage: Understanding the voice of the customer with AI
In this webinar, see how the once overwhelming task of capturing and analyzing mountains of customer data is not only possible with AI, but is easy to scale and automate.
During this webinar, you will:
- Learn the key retail customer analytics trends
- See a demo of how AI can quickly and accurately capture voice interactions
- Learn which customer metrics to capture and how to use them to minimize risk
- Learn how to apply visual best practices to your customer data

Missed out on #EC19? Take a peak at our 60 videos of the expo floor and Gaylord Palms below: